The machine paining, on the other hand, has its advantages, as well as disadvantages.
In most cases, the painting is preceded by cleaning (hydro jetting or blasting) and applying deep penetrating or anti-corrosion primers.
Regarding the painting of buildings, chimneys, metal structures or facades, "TBM Service" Ltd. will be able to cope with any construction site. You will be consulted regarding the type of paints, their indexes and the manner of application. Discounts shall be made for sites with large surface area within a preliminary agreement.
The prices are determined in relation to the complexity of implementation and the surface area.
In most cases, the painting is preceded by cleaning (hydro jetting or blasting) and applying deep penetrating or anti-corrosion primers.
Regarding the painting of buildings, chimneys, metal structures or facades, "TBM Service" Ltd. will be able to cope with any construction site. You will be consulted regarding the type of paints, their indexes and the manner of application. Discounts shall be made for sites with large surface area within a preliminary agreement.
The prices are determined in relation to the complexity of implementation and the surface area.